Ben Ashton

September 23, 2017
Ben Ashton
eStage Digital

Ben has been a professional actor since 2008 & is represented by a management company. He trained in all forms of theatre ranging from Classical Theatre to Contemporary Theatre, Screen, Radio & Stage Combat. Ben graduated with the Patricia Routledge Award and Spotlight Prize Nominee 2008.

Ben’s website, created by us, has allowed him to show off his talent and engage his fans online. As well as acting, ben is a director and tutor.

For Ben, knowing that our team is here whenever he needs something doing, means that he is able to focus on his continued business & success in the creative industry.

As an annual subscriber to our Advanced Support & Website Updates Bundle Package, Ben knows that we’re here for them whenever they need us to be, whether it’s technical support or a website update – we’ll do it all.

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